
Archive for the ‘books’ Category

Hi there.

My name is Katie and I LOVE the fall. And the winter (at least the North Carolina winter). By the time summer FINALLY comes to an end, I cannot WAIT until there are days and days of cloudy weather. Rain is fine with me, as long as we can still do what we need to do in between the showers.

Dreary? Yes!

Cool/Cold/Cloudy? Yes!

Twisted? Maybe.

But in any case, it’s been my kinda day around these parts.

We woke up to rain. Drove to school in drizzle. Went to library time in a mist of cool. Spent the afternoon watching a little t.v. and playing inside and feeling great about it.

Oh. And I ran 4 miles. In said rain. And I’m talking half a mile into the run it started actually pouring.

And what did I do? I said..I’m already soaking wet…and I kept on truckin’.

Turning in 3.9 miles in 36 minutes.

Then I drank this:

IMG_0671(it’s tasty… and goes pretty well with chinese food and “When in Rome”)

and now will read this:

IMG_0672(it’s pretty good, and I have a HUGE stack of books to get to, so I must forge on…)

…and then I will pass out. Sooner than later, surely.

But it’s supposed to be cloudy, rainy and cool tomorrow when we wake up.

Who’s a happy girl? 

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Let me start by saying that I had all sorts of good intentions yesterday, mostly including yoga and/or a long walk. I will summarize my shortcomings by saying this: I did not involve myself in any exercise-like activities yesterday. I did a lot of moving around, cleaning, playing, laundry hauling, gardening…but nothing that actually involved putting on a sports bra and sweating for an hour.

And now that I’ve gotten that off of my chest, we’ll move along!

If you missed my very short race recap, you can check it out here. I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am half-way through my half marathon training- the race is NOVEMBER 7th!

I can hardly believe that the first week of school is over. But Hobbes, now, he is truly excited to be back at school.

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…and as jealous as Finn looks about sitting in the car while Hobbes goes into school, he’s equally excited about the COOKIES that are inevitably made during the afternoons of some school days..

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I have to say, this weekend absolutely flew by.

With no out-of-town football games to attend and no little-man soccer games, it still flew by. Really, without much to show for it.

Oh, except for that whole 10K thing. But when something starts at 8 a.m. and ends by 9-ish, it doesn’t remain too memorable in the grand scheme of kids and weekend things.

We did head out to our library’s annual book sale. Because I have an addiction to books, and my children seem to have inherited this true love. Thanks.

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$27 equaled 13 adult paperbacks, 1 adult hardcover, and 9 kiddo books.

I kid you not.


I felt like I was on a treasure hunt and could have wandered around the book stacks FOREVER and EVER! But instead, I had to get the boys back out into the sunshine. Plus, it was really fun/cute to watch Hobbes push Finn in the little umbrella stroller!

Oh. And Finn needed another cookie.


Also, he needs a haircut. But I am not ready for that, yet.

Later today I am starting the garden tear-down and running 4ish miles.

What are you up to?

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I am currently creating a brand new playlist for my 10K in the morning.

You heard me. My 10K.

Now, I know that I am well into the training for my 2nd half marathon, but it doesn’t really feel like it. And having said that, I am anxious about this race tomorrow. Mostly because last year I ran the 5K version of this same race, and I am pretty sure that it kicked my booty. Okay, I know it did.

Here is what I keep telling myself:

  1. Last week I ran 7 miles. It was rough, but I did it.
  2. In March I ran 13.1 miles.
  3. And I plan on doing it again in November.
  4. Races are fun.
  5. I *probably* won’t pee on myself. (probably not. 99% sure)
  6. As long as I finish, it’s a success. (I am not sure I feel that way anymore, I secretly have a goal time and that’s probably what is stressing me out)
  7. It will be more fun than just a plain-old long run, which I was going to have to do anyway.

Don’t I sound like a runner? I feel a little off with the running thing, but maybe tomorrow will get me back on track. I will tell you all about it, either way.

But…what I really wanted to tell you about is this:

My biggest little boy and I took a little field trip to the bookstore on the day before he started school. We actually set out for the toy store NEXT TO the book store (for a new lunch box) and ended up at the bookstore. We are both book nerds. In a wonderful way.

I haven’t been to a book store with just Hobbes in a long time. We both looked at everything. It was awesome. Then he played with the train table (he’s not THAT big, yet) and I wandered and dreamed about what it would be like to be able to buy all these wonderful books.

Here are some that I thought were particularly fabulous, kid-section-wise:

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And some oldie-but-goodies:


And, please, just humor me:


…oh yes, she did! and she does!! 🙂

Enjoy this first night of your weekend!

Look for a race recap tomorrow! And we still haven’t seen how school started…have we? Plus, I have a little boy who doesn’t like story time, but really LOVES playgrounds!


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